Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lovin 7 gypsies...on 7 gypsies site my carousel is posted

How sweet...The 7 gypsies carousel I made for Corey & Heather is posted by my Favorite Co....7 gypsies at... http://sevengypsies.blogspot.com
Please take a peek and leave a comment...I am so excited...not knowing they would post what I said and also suggested I would love printed card stock to go along with their wonderful line of products. Looking at my older blogs you can see more of the carousel. There is still more...of the carousel to post. Can you believe there are a total of 65 pages on the carousel. Be inspired with the best...7 gypsies!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photo Carousel...Birth of Caroline & Jameson

The Best Cousins ... My Ya Ya Sisters

Friday... on the spur of the moment I got a phone call from my cousin... Patty and Bev was in town and would stay an extra day if I would come over... it was sweet and special. I spent the day with my cousins...Beverly and Patty. It was good to share and sit and talk together...we are always laughing when we get together. I feel so at home with them... loved and a secure feeling...just like when we were just kids...at Aunt Jean's & Uncle Hillard's home. We all went out to eat with my Mom...the oldest cousin...and then came back to my home and watched a DVD of family photos ...some I've never seen before...from Scotland of my grandparents and my Mom. Patty, is so good making the DVD with the music and all the extras. It was a sweet treat to be together and it did my heart good!

Abundance is . . . laughing with your cousins

getting an unexpected phone call

pouring your heart out to someone who cares

sharing a life long bond of family

drinking hot tea together...since we were kids

just being there for each other

I have the best cousins on the face of this earth...I knew it when I was a little girl...and now I know it even more today. My life has been blessed abundantly...
Thanks...Beverly and Patty.... I love you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Keep on the right path...Walking

Abundance is...
someone saying "yes" to your request.
wind blowing through your hair.
sunlight slanting through the trees.

Another day to take a walk and enjoy the every day beauty all around us. It feels good to be outside and feel the energy from the sun and the fresh air.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Our Walk...

Started Walking our trail...for me

We have a beautiful black top trail in our sub...that starts by our home. It is close to a mile walk...so on Monday I got my shoes on and along with Bob & Bella we all went for a walk. I walked about 30 minutes...felt good...better. The path is beautiful and the weather is great. We walked again on Tuesday...I took along my camera and got some nice pictures of... my walk along the path...it was another beautiful day outside.
I'm trying to eat healthy...we had lunch on the deck today... now back to my project... working on the second board with the...Fancy Pants Line.

The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you...ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in
beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.

Monday, September 22, 2008

7 gypsies photo carousel...more

Fancy Pants...love their new line..Daily Grind

The Daily Grind...I'm working on a new project...Bulletin Boards for our ladies
prayer room. The 1st is...Prayer Request and need to post cards...w/o push pins.
Bob...helped me and we worked together covering the board with fabric and then cut the trim and painted it and the glued it on. Then on to the fun stuff...scrapping
the board. I love the chipboard people and all the extra goodies from the Fancy Pants Line.
Still enjoying this wonderful weather... sitting on the deck looking at the trees
that are turning colors.
Still...more of the 7 gypsies photo carousel...amazing how much it holds.

Abundance is . . . electricity being restored after a storm...
Corey & Heather and babies once again have POWER...since before IKE hit.
Almost 2 weeks w/o power...we are so happy for them.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now...the rain is gone

Tuesday...I went to Scrappy Chic looking for a new line by Fancy Pants...and Staci
...um...Staci Compher was there scrappin' and I got to meet her and talk face to face. I first met Staci online through...Two Peas in a Bucket...and noticed she was from home...MICHIGAN...YES! I love her work..it so inspires me...very creative. Then this summer she was published in SOMERSET MEMORIES...and I got a copy...her pages are the best in there. Look into her work and you will also be inspired. My day was so special...because I finally met my online friend..Staci...something I hoped for became a reality. How sweet is that.
The acrylic album she did was...I can see clearly now...which was a song in
1972 by Johnny Nash... do you remember...I was 19...graduated in 71 and had a
1971 SS CHEVELL...silver...with a hand in the back window...2 finger peace sign!
I loved that car...driving around and the radio playing...

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day.
I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've be praying for
It's gona be be a bright, bright
Sun-Shiny day.
Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue skies

Looks... like another bright and beautiful day. Enjoy your day!