Cruising...the Woodward DREAM Cruise. START your could hear the rumble of these cars and the smell of gasoline like when we were kids. Bob & I loved soaking up all the great muscle cars we grew up with. It would be cool to many were made right here in our own Motor City "DETROIT". Bob had 1972 NOVA and I had a 1971 SS CHEVELLE. The most of any 1 car we saw in the cruise was...the CHEVELLE. It was a great week end ..the crowd was huge and the weather was perfect. Love to be in that CHEVELLE cruising on Woodward...sweet!
Life is sweet...knowing God in his love & grace has blessed my life daily. Family is everything...My husband and I have three children and four grandchildren. There is no place like home...I enjoy cooking, gardening, family gatherings, great friends and scrapbooking is my way to preserve our family memories.
Old Fashioned Apple Sheet Cake
We've endured the hot sticky months of summer, the busy days full of fun,
water, and the outdoors, and for me, it means I've survived another year of
scrappin at Scrappy Chic in livonia with the bff
finally got a chance to ecscape with the bff to spend the day
scrapbooking, it was amazing!! we took off about 10am, heading off to
scrappy chic, where we...